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Saturday, May 30, 2009Witness Protection
So I am out of the FBI witness protection program. In reality, I have been coaching lacrosse, interviewing for a new job, teaching, taking a new job, and getting ready to relocate to Charleston Sout Carolina. I have yet to see a 300 mile week nor race since March. Back at it Wednesday night in Bethel Ct and again Sunday. Should be really painful and, well, fun.
Greg Friday, May 29, 2009Guess who's racin' again?
BUCK that's who!
That's right, I've gotten through the recovery and rehab of that nasty ACL thing. Doc said that I could ride the MTB. So I met up with the usual suspects to hit the trail and see how I felt. After a 6 hour "group-preride" of the Michaux Maximus 40 mile Monster Loop (95+ deg. with no tree cover) I felt just as bad as everyone else, so I figured it would be OK to race the next week. So on May the 3rd (that's right this was a month ago) I ponnied up the coin for the entry. This was a rainy day with a temp of no more than 60 couple degrees. The not so long winded version of the story goes like this. Start slow and ride within myself all day and catch the second place rider in the last piece of rocky trail (thanks for the frying pan Theo). After passing him my rain and sand weary chain slips off, three seperate times. I thought that I was busted back to third. Second was mine despite the chain trouble. And there was much rejoycing around the keg of Roy Pitz (http://www.roypitz.com/ludwigs.html) Smoked Lager. That's it for now. Til next time on Month Late Update. Keep the rubberside down and your pints up. BK P.S. You can click on the title to see results. Harlan is in there too. Thursday, May 28, 2009from rocco
Whats happening in Colorado?
Well, early season short track racing at New Belgium Brewing has ended. But following close behind was the early start of the Boulder STXC series. This weekly speedster race will be ongoing through the early summer. If your in town i recommend it. Something like 3 minute laps and too many people make it pretty interesting. Down the road, CO is hosting the Nationals for Marathon again and also hosting XC. I would say if you can only do one, the Marathon in Breck will have more bang for the buck. The trails are real awesome, and the whole event is really run well. A non-National championship event but worth the mention is the Breck Epic Mtb stage race, taking place right after the Marathon Nats. If you have the money, and that thing happens, it will no doubt be a great experience for ya. I will not be doing the Breck Epic, but will be in Breck for the Marathon race, this July. -rocco Wednesday, May 27, 2009IFRacing Mountain Bikers Going in full force to Mohican 100
Looks like we have a good crew heading to Ohio for the Mohican 100.
Harlan Kerry Alex Elk !!! We'll have the bases covered. Tuesday, May 26, 2009Ian Sets Record for South Downs Double: 18hrs 3min 12secOur English man Ian went out to set the record straight and he ended up cracking it! Almost took 2 hours off the previous record. Go Ian!! Read about it here. http://www.southdownsdouble.net/reports/2009/ian/ http://www.xcracer.com/index.php?pid=1 http://www.bikemagic.com/news/article/mps/uan/7025 Sunday, May 24, 2009HILLS of SOMERSET
IF / Lionette's wins Hills of Somerset.
Robbie King out kicked everyone in a break to take the Hills of Somerset Road Race in Somerville New Jersey. Kevin was in the break with him and took 8th. Todd was 4th in the field sprint for 12th. Good day. Report later. Wednesday, May 20, 2009Pisgah Mountain Stage Race bound!![]() I've been longing for this. An East Coast Mountain Bike stage race. I'm not saying that I have anything against the West Coast, Coasta Rica, BC or India, but I'm a little sick of the travel necessary to go and race a great format. Imagine if every time you wanted to eat Thai food, you had to go to Thailand. Every time I wanted to race a format that I particularly love I had to go to someone else's home. Not really satisfying and I always end up comparing it to riding back home. So now there is the Pisgah Mountain Bike Stage race. Four days of riding in the Pisgah state forest of NC. Every day we leave from the same town, do a different loop and get an incredible amount of singletrack. Plus it's going to have all the climbing you want without having to be at 12,000ft. My lungs are so happy. Todd Brenham has proven to be a great promoter with his other races, the Off Road Assault on Mount Mitchell and the Swank 65, so I believe he'll have this pretty dialed right off the bat. Tuesday, May 19, 2009Ian Leitch goes for Course Record: 202 miles under 19hrs?Hope all is good stateside. May has been a but damp here but riding is proving to be enjoyable as ever. I thought I would let you know that Friday will see me go for the South Downs Way Double. This is a big thing for me and I have been building nicely for it. The South Downs Way is a 101 mile trail that runs from historic Winchester through to Eastbourne and it makes up a lot of my local riding. It has been there for literally thousands of years. I have ridden it end to end a few times but now for the big challenge - there and back - 202 miles and 25,000 feet of climbing over beautiful terrain. In the UK this is a major endurance test and as such there is a website set up to document those who aim to complete it - only four have made it in 24 hours or less. Whenever anyone attempts it, there is major press coverage on the UK bike websites and as such there should be some great coverage for Indy - especially if I am lucky enough to take the record. I will be riding "alpine style" which means completely self sufficient except for water available from about 5-6 taps on route. My aim is to head out of Winchester at 3am Friday morning. Current record is held by Mike Cotty at 19 hours 52 minutes. Conditions are not perfect I was out with a group of three on Sunday (pics attached) and it was wet .. damn.. hoping it will dry out some this week. However the wind looks favourable. I may make a last minute change to Tuesday next week if conditions change. Main website for this silly challenge is: http://southdownsdouble.net/ - if you want to know more. The ride will be covered live (ish) on www.bikemagic.com and bikeradar and singeltrackworld will also probably pick it up. If you think any of the team will be into this feel free to let them know and they can follow the sufferfest as it unfolds! Tuesday, May 12, 2009![]() I was planning on posting this a week ago but work and life got the better of me. My XTERRA race season kicked off in the Uwharrie National Forest located in and around Troy, NC. Fellow Indy Fab teammate Mark Russell made this his opener as well. It was great to see Team Green out in full force. The swim took place in a very frigid Badin Lake. Had my foresight been better I would have brought my wetsuit. The initial entry into the water nearly induced hypothermia. I'm quite sure I was the only one who didn't wear a wetsuit, which might be why I exited the lake in 39th place. There is also the fact that my swim still needs some major work. Being the optimist that I am I had no worries when getting out of the water as I knew I would have a good bike leg on my new IF (Thanks Kevin, Lloyd, Jon, Joe and everyone else in Somerville). Also, many thanks to Rob at Back Alley Bikes for building up my dream machine. My transition was better than expected to the bike and I managed to get out and rolling in a relatively pain-free manner. The ride started out on a fire road filled with crater-sized potholes and then transitioned to single track. Having gears and 29" wheels made the climbs (tubeless tires helped as well - thanks Harlan and Kyle) very enjoyable. Most of my passing was done on the climbs while conversly I think I lost some time to those in front of me on the downhills. The course had been soaked the night before making the horse trails we were riding quite treacherous. Wet clay combined with horse crap don't make for the nicest riding surface. In spite of the less than optimal trail conditions I was able to move myself into the top ten heading out on the run leg. I was intent on making this year's run more enjoyable than last year's. The fix was easy. All I had to do was put on a pair of socks. Last year's sockless race left my feet bloodied and very angry. I felt good from the start to the finish and managed to drop well over a minute off of my time from the previous year. Having a respectable run helped me finish in 7th place overall and 1st in my age group. Mark finished in 10th and 1st in his age group as well. It was a good day for the IF team and we both hope to keep improving with each race. All the best to everyone in the 2009 season! Sunday, May 10, 2009Sterling was Classic
The IF/Lionette's Team season continues with much success. We again stepped on the podium with Robbie King taking second place in thw hard, hot, humid, MRC Sterling Classic Road Race this Saturday. IF/Lionette's let nothing happen without their presence and played the race well. Robbie got into the main break of 5, with good olde boy and Pro, Dan Vallaincourt (Colivita) and new IF dealer, Justin Spinnelli of Svelte Cycles. Their other to break companions soon dissapeared under the three's experience and skill.
The rest of us chased everything, I mean everything down and attemted to get in every chase. Jerome, Todd, Stan, Greg, Bruno all tried, but it was Kevin who finally succeeded. He got into a nice chase group that included two "pros" and they got within a minute of the break. Kevin nearly won the uphill sprint for fourth only to narrowly lose out to one of those "pros." Nice work none the less. Robbie lead out the sprint for the win but Dan, fresh from a weeks "rest" (read drinking) after the Tour of Gila had the juice to come around. Nice work Robbie. Second second to a pro ain't bad. That top step will be yours soon, thanks to that HOT BIKE!! and Ellen Townsend's awesome feeding and cheering . Thanks Ellen. You are a much better feeder than your son. Subscribe to Posts [Atom] |