Saturday, February 24, 2007

Indy Wins, Raffle time

Indy Fab takes 1st and 3rd in Florida. I (Harlan) went south and won the 12hrs of Razorback, with Harvey Minton taking 3rd. It was funny riding through the woods and having people say "go Harvey" to me, especially since our names are similar. He's local and has a lot of fans, so our kits confused people alot. Awsome! Cycling News has a short write up, or you can go to my blog for the long one.
The big part of my sponsorship this year is the Frame and Fork Raffle. Indy is donating a custom, made-to-order Steel Frame and Fork for me to Raffle. Buy a ticket or two at, and tell your friends. This is what keeps me rolling, and upping the game, and spreading the IF love.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Forcast says go south!

Harlan's going to Florida.

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