Friday, June 19, 2009

Small Race Reports

So I am three weeks into training and doing the local Tuesday night worlds in Bethel. Really, minor stuff but a good workout with some really fast guys (and gals). For those of you unaware, Bethel is a hub for cycling. With Cannondale, Topolino, and Bethel Cycle all within two miles of each other combined with access to really good riding, and you get a ton of riders. First race back was .....UGLY. Rain, points race, small field, fat and slow. I tried to bridge to a break, got caught by the field and spat out like a piece of bad sushi. Week two: A break of three went and stayed away and I was 10th in the field sprint. Better. Last Wednesday was another points race (which I hate) and a break of 5 went. Really fast group with Matt Baldwin, Brian Borgia, Leigh Sorrells, and two others. I tried to bridge along with legend John Funk and super strong TT Iron Man guy Joe Salem. Sam Dodge from Connondale joined us but no dice. We sat up, and the field was caught by the two guys left in the break. I may race Sunday at Housatonic......may......Good going to everyone on the elite and mtb squads!


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