At the Mid-Atlantic Super Series race this Sunday, Elk is teaming up with his wife to raise money for HERA. Read a bit below, go to the link, buy a ticket!
Ovarian Cancer is something that effects us all. - This year an estimated 25,500 women will be diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer.
- An estimated of 14,500 women will be killed by the disease.
- When ovarian cancer is detected early, before it has spread beyond the ovaries, more than 90% of women will survive longer than five years.
- Only 24% of women are diagnosed in the early stages.
- When ovarian cancer is diagnosed after the disease has spread, the chance of 5 year survival drops to less than 25%.
- When a woman is treated by a gynecological-oncologist for ovarian cancer their chances for survival increase tremendously. Most women are not referred to this specialist.
- There is currently no reliable diagnostic test for this Ovarian Cancer.
- More research needs to be done!
- More money needs to be raised!
# posted by Harlan Price : 7:19 AM