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Saturday, May 31, 2008Somerville Weekend
This is ripped from Adam's blog. http://adambranfman.blogspot.com/
The Pro/Devo Team had a kick ass weekend starting with the Hills of Somerset County RR on Sat in Somerville, NJ. Sparing boring details, we would have finished three guys in the top 15 if our rider in the first break on the road wasn't lead off course with three miles to go in the race. The useless officials said it was HIS fault, after we filed a pritest, and said to Todd that it isn't fair that the other riders actually did the entire race course. This is quite remarkable because the official motorbike was responsible for leading them off course; not only that, the motorbike pulled a u-turn without telling Todd and Dan Vallaincourt and they proceeded to realize two miles later that something was not right as they were headed toward a freeway. Andrew Walters and I made it into the first chase group and finished 14th and 10th respectively for a great day on the bike. The rest of the team finished in the group with some exceptions, including John Hanson who was a superhero riding in a break for 30 miles and then vomiting on the side of the road, along with Kevin who also rode in several breaks and pulled out due to a revisiting of breakfast on the side of the road if you know what i mean. Some awesome climbs, descents, and hard windy flats. We raced our faces off and had one of our best ever. Bound Brook went perfectly flawless with the exception of the last 50m when I had to stop pedaling when someone in front of me slammed the brakes. A dissapointing 12th place. The team let it all hang out in pretty badass style the entire race from start to finish and everyone raced brilliantly. Tour of Somerville, the big NRC show, was yesterday. 175 starters, 108 finishers. That means more than 60 DNF's due to crashes, off the back, and what not. The last ten laps were absolutely terrifying as there was a crash in every lap. I got tied up with 7 to go, when the rider in front of me locked up his wheel to avoid a crash at 30 something mph. About 30 guys went down. I got all tangled up in someone's wheel, did a tuck and roll to prevent further damages, made my way to the pit, and realized both my shifters were effed. Todd went down as well, decided he was done for the day, and threw me his bike to finish up the race. I made it through, a bit of wind taken out of the sails, and crused in for a 42nd place. Not great, but under the circumstances, no problem! Jerome, the stud that he is, rocked the Cat 2 Tour of Somerville for a stellar 2nd place, with Andrew and Kevin shortly behind in the 'teens. The 2's had an amazing race, controlling things, chasing what they needed to, setting up a perfect finish for everyone to do well. A very proud day. ![]() Other highlights from the weekend: -A post Bound Brook cooldown/recovery/carb load free beer and garden party at the home of spectators at turn 1 -ice cream -watching the cotton candy vendor bagging and eating and smoking all at the same time -port-a-potty costume at Somerville. Amazing -Jerome cuddling with carbon tubulars in the car -Jerome getting out on I-95 and taking a walk in the breakdown lane in the Bronx -Andrew. . .or somethin' like that -Todd's parent's home cooking -bunny rabbits -pretzels -everyone seriously racing their asses off, getting results, and having a wicked insanely awesome time together. That's what bike racing season is about. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Subscribe to Posts [Atom] |